Welcome to the new paradigm

Within these page is a never-before-seen glimpse behind the veil of Hollywood, that reveals not only the hidden fabric of the cinema, but also the basis for our very reality.

Secretly residing in every movie is the same foundational code that runs the physical universe, and that code is part of the cosmos. Astrology is why we like the kinds of films we do; why actors play certain roles, and why directors choose the films and actors they do. They are all guided by a subtle and unseen force, that determines not only the course of our own relationships, but those on the silver screen. Once you understand them, they will reflect back to you about your own life and relationships. As the original screen writer, William Shakespeare once said, “All the world’s a stage & all the men and women merely players”. How right he was. This newly discovered system unlocks the mysteries of film and astrology for everyone. Not just movie buffs or astrologers. In a simplified and fascinating way, I will take you on a journey from the cinema to stars, and once you return you will never see either one in the same way.


Like everything, astrology is a language, a beautiful language not unlike the sublime vocabulary of music, where each astrological voice is an instrument of the creator.  Just as an orchestra has different sections and players, so too does astrology have different signs and degrees.  With each player having unique skills and challenges that literally are his or her own astrological finger print.  No other person in the world living now, or at any other time in history or in the future, possesses the same astrological pattern, the same voice as you do. In fact when you think about it, sign is a anagram for sing.  We are all singing our own specific energy and frequency, as no one else can.

As such, you are a completely unique instrument who’s chart dictates your innate abilities and potential challenges.  And just as musical sections in an orchestra have dominant players and soloists, your sun sign, which is delineated by the roughly thirty-day period in the year when you were born, is the most obvious part of your chart.  It is the most recognizable frequency of your voice,  and of who you are.  And when actors take on a part, this is the note that they are generally playing, especially in Hollywood where movies are not only type cast, but as it turns out are astrological type-cast as well.  In other words, actors are playing their sun sign most of the time, because audiences respond to the truth and a person’s astrology is their truth.

Does the movie industry know that they are doing this?  Most of the time, probably not, but it is truly amazing that it exists, even without their knowledge. When an actor finds him or herself in a movie, by way of the filmmaker who casts them, that producer, director or casting director is accepting them into the project by way of their energy and of the knowledge that they understand the truth of the character.  Hence, they have been astro-cast.  It’s an acceptance through vibration from both sides, just as when you “cast” your friends, romantic interests and business partners in your own life and they cast you.  Life is but a stage, and CASTING IS ASTRO-CASTING.

As a celebrity you meet a lot of people that are interested in you, and the bigger you get the more opportunites and power you have to pick someone to star or co-star with that you’re actually attracted to and get along with.  And what results on the screen is astrology in the form of compatible signs,TRINES, SEXTILES and OPPOSITIONS, which we will look more closely at later.  Classic film star Clarke Gable makes the point perfectly.   “I’m no actor and I never have been. What people see on the screen is me.”  And that being the case is where it all starts.  Who someone naturally is will organically attract or repel others according to their inherent energy or in other words…their astrology.  It is pretty much that simple.  Just like in life.

In the old, classic,  studio system, actors were typecast even more than they are today.  And it may have been akin to the antiquated tradition of an arranged marriage,  where perhaps one’s parents knew better whom the child was compatible with than the child did, him or herself.  Only in the movies, it was the studio who was the parent and the actors the children. 

Whenever I meet young actors, I suggest that they know their part.  In other words typecast yourself, because if you don’t someone else will and you might not like their choices. Especially in a business of relationships, astrology reins and by typecasting your self, you are astro-casting yourself, because hopefully you know who you are. READ MORE

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