Welcome to The Cinematic Institute of Astrolgy (CIA), our online school is where we put into practice the techniques and secrets discovered in my book MOVIE STARS: Astrology In The Cinema. Here, we teach actors, writers, directors, agents, managers and producers the archetypes and correct astrological relationships that will manifest themselves on-screen, that in turn make more cohesvie and better trained craftsmen and artists in the creation of cinema. These unearthed truths will bring you tremendous insights into your craft and will give you the abiltiy to holistically see your place in the film’s entirety. It will make you a better actor, director, writer or agent. Even a better director of photography or production designer, as you learn the in-depth mysteries of color, symbolism and metaphor.
In short, these classes will make you better at whatever you do in film, or even in life. For as the great anceint medical genius Hypocratices said, “a physician who doesn’t know astrology doesn’t have the right to call himself a phyiscian”. Yes, knowing in depth astrology in your craft is the great key to unlocking it’s true potetial.
Please join us to help assist you in the expansion of your intate abilities.
Sign Up for our online school or donate to our Kickstarter campaign to create our brick and mortar institute in beautiful Sedona Arizona.